
Credit Repair Services

  • Review your credit report for inaccurate items.

  • Review of outdated accounts.

  • Review your credit report for inaccurate personal information.

  • Review accounts that can be made current.

  • Review accounts with high credit utilization.

  • Build a plan on how to fix information.

  • Build a plan to raise and rebuild your credit score.

  • Provide you with a detailed report of everything listed above.

  • Analysis and review of your credit file status.

  • Receiving and processing manual updates.

  • Review credit report updates to determine next steps.

  • Create a strategic plan to assist in meeting your goals.

  • Create and send dispute letters to creditors.

  • Assist with credit questions and process.

  • Provide ongoing credit education and educational materials.

$250/Per Month

Credit Building Service

  • Identify suitable authorized user tradelines to enhance your credit.

  • Add tradelines strategically to boost your credit history.

  • Submit credit applications on your behalf for positive credit activity.

  • Track account data to ensure consistent credit score improvement.

  • Assist in removing new inquiries from the application process.

  • Guide you on leveraging credit for financial opportunities.

  • Provide ongoing credit education for sustained improvement.

$250/Per Month

Financial Counseling Service

  • Conduct an in-depth assessment of your financial situation and goals.

  • Develop a personalized plan for budgeting, money management, and debt reduction.

  • Offer guidance on building a solid financial foundation.

  • Provide ongoing support for implementing the financial plan.

  • Educate you on smart spending habits and financial literacy.

  • Special 6-month prepaid plan available at a discounted rate.

$250/Per Month


$900/6-Month Prepaid

Money-Back Guarantee

At Re•invantage, we stand behind our commitment to helping you achieve your financial goals. If, during any given month, we don't deliver results in line with our agreed-upon objectives, you won't be invoiced for the following month. We believe in the effectiveness of our services, and this money-back guarantee ensures that you only pay for the value you receive. Your financial success is our priority.

Our Services

  • Repair

The first step in getting your financial life back is removing inaccurate information from your credit report. The law allows any consumer to challenge inaccurate information on their credit report if that consumer feels that the items are inaccurate.

  • Rebuild

The second step to restoring your credit is to rebuild it while we work on removing inaccurate information. It’s not enough just to remove negative items, but you must prove to FICO and the creditors that you can make your payments on time.

  • Raise Your Score

The third step to restoring your credit is to focus on raising your credit score. As we all know, the credit score is the number one factor when it comes to getting approved for a loan. If you have a low credit score, you can get denied or pay high interest rates.

Office: 6595 Roswell Rd Ste G1920, Atlanta GA 30328

Call: +1 470-888-8760


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